Now, some caveats. You’re not going to run with just this targeting in perpetuity. You’re going to use it to inform the creation of more targeted audiences to whom you’ll advertise with engaging, audience specific ad creative. Think of this wide but informed net as the Facebook equivalent of the Display network or a well-placed billboard. Pairing this information gathering/brand building strategy with more sales-centric targeting further down the funnel will help you to create a steady stream of prospects for your business. It shouldn’t occupy a large portion of your overall advertising budget, but allocating a small percentage of your Facebook spend to broad audiences like this one will allow your business to benefit from the intelligence of Facebook’s advertising algorithm.
Who should target broadly on Facebook? Everyone! Provided you’re not ballin’ on an Benin WhatsApp Number extremely tight budget, broad audience targeting will expose your brand to net-new prospects: people who’d never have known about you otherwise. That being said, your ad and offer need to align with your broad audiences’ lack of intent. Your goal here isn’t to sell a hat or close a deal today: it’s to gain exposure and fill your funnel. From there, you can create new core and custom audiences, steering Facebook users towards making a purchase as you learn more about their characteristics, wants, and needs.
uncovering your ideal facebook audience Even though you’ll likely see higher engagement using broad targeting (simply due to the number of folks you’ll reach), the majority of your Facebook advertising budget should still be assigned to targeted audiences that can be tied to actual business value. Speaking of… Targeting Specific Audiences with Facebook Ads: Best for Driving Cost-Effective Conversions Targeting specifically means, well, just that. You give Facebook a strict set of parameters. They serve your ad creative to a smaller subset of users than you’d reach with broader targeting.